- Vote a Poll: My favorite as it requires user input where he/she expressed opinion over a respective topic. Stats of each poll can be viewed also.
- InfoGraphics: 3D animation or flash drawing for insight illustrations & simulations
- Documentary: Refers to the collection of videos or full length movies discussing history, war, politics, technology ....
- Document: Refers to some magazine/journal clipping or a full fledge research paper on any defence related topic
- Column: Specifically refers to an articled published in the some newspaper. Mostly concerns with analytical study
- Conspiracy: Dubious & implicit documents, documentaries or columns. Beware what you read!!
- MiddleEast: Topics/videos related to MiddleEast [most volatile] part of world
- SouthEastAsia: Topics/videos related to Pakistan, India, China & Afghanistan
- SovietUnion or Russia: Topics/videos related to USSR presently Russia
- Technology: Technical videos/documents about some weapon as smal as bullet as large as futuristic Space Ship
- AirVehicle: Discusses warplanes & any flying vehicle
- WaterVehicle: Discusses military HYDRO-machines
- Armour & LandVehicle: Discusses tanks & related vehicles
- Missile: ICBM up to any short range missile or rocket
- I am an Engineer & not any news anchor!!
- All documents are streaming [just like a YouTube Video]. No need to download them
- Videos & documentaries are streamed on 4shared & no 10min time limit [like on YouTube]; so lesser video fragments
- Most of the documents & stories are reviewed by DefenceDog [thats me]. One can observe highlight parts of respective document & may want to concentrate on bold/highlight parts alone. Time Saving!!
- Inclusion of Polls in respective topics ables you to express your opinions without writing long statements or comments. No keyboard masters required!!