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Russia's Biggest Question: Floating Airfields

Russia, perhaps will get a few carriers. In any case, the representatives of the United Shipbuilding Corporation have repeatedly asserted that the design of a new heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser must begin.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

On the Pressing Problems of Russian Army

by VPK News  In mid-March at a meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, answering questions from senators, Chief of Ground Forces Armed Forces, Colonel-General Alexander Postnikov gave a series of assessments and conclusions. On, in particular, called "headache" for the Armed Forces of the shortening of military service...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Where is the New START data?

by Russian strategic nuclear forces I always believed that progress in U.S.-Russian relations critically depends on whether the two countries could get their bureaucracies work together. The general success of the "reset" process shows that this is indeed how things work - the most successful cooperation usually takes place in those areas where people...


by Tony Reich Wow. Aviation pioneer Otto Lilienthal would have loved this. German automation company Festo has built a “SmartBird” modeled on the herring gull that, according to the company, can take off, fly, and land autonomously—just by flapping its wings. Motors inside the 485 gram "Smart Bird" enable the wings to flap and twist at specific angles...

Hitler's Last Deadly Secret: The Hunt For U-864

Deep in the icy waters off Norway lies one of the last great secrets of the Second World War. In February 1945, the German submarine U-864 disappeared without trace during its clandestine journey to Japan. On board: eighteen of the Reich’s leading aeronautical scientists, two of Japan’s leading experts on aerodynamics, stacks of blueprints for the...


The B-29 bomber Kee Bird made a forced landing amid the snows of far northern Greenland in 1947. The crew survived the landing and were picked up by a rescue plane two days later. The Kee Bird, though set down on her wheels and only lightly damaged, was written off as unsalvageable and left to rot. Metal airplanes rot slowly in the high Arctic, however,...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Russia and China: The pivot of Central Asia

Central Asian direction - one of the key activities of the Russian Federation and China in the international arena. Today, the two powers are defending their interests in the spheres of politics, security and economy. I must say differently. Will this geopolitical space of a field of contention and cooperation between Moscow and Beijing on the Eurasian...

After A "Reset"

"Reset" over and over successfully. Russia's relations - United States removed to a level that is safe, as it was in 2005-2008. Figures and symbols of the "reset" - START-3 agreement on cooperation in nuclear energy (the so-called 123 agreement), transit to Afghanistan through Russian territory, closer cooperation on Iran's nuclear program, an agreement on Russia's WTO accession. …Some experts believe that the American elite is fundamentally anti-Russian sentiments prevail, or they can become hostile at any moment.......

Monday, March 28, 2011

Laser on Protecting Aircraft

Author: Vladimir Butuzov - CEO - chief designer of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Institute" Screen " Currently, as a result of work performed under the contract between Rosoboronexport and the Spanish company Indra Systemas SA established laser protection system MANPADS Threats Avoidance (MANTA). Prime contractor Rosoboronexport in this...

Without A Soviet Union

Collection of various small articles; click main headings for full article More than half Ukrainians regret Soviet break-up More than half of Ukrainian residents regret the break-up of the Soviet Union, an expert from the Research & Branding Group said on Wednesday, citing poll results."More than half of Ukrainian residents (54%) agree that...

MIR Space Station, Photo Gallery

Mir (Russian: Мир, IPA: [ˈmʲir]; lit. Peace or World) was a Soviet and later Russian space station, operational in low Earth orbit from 1986 to 2001. With a greater mass than that of any previous space station, Mir was the first of the third generation of space stations, constructed from 1986 to 1996 with a modular design, and...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ancient Discoveries: Guns N Ammo

ANCIENT DISCOVERIES finds out whether a simple bamboo tube could have been the world’s first gun. Hidden in an ancient manuscript lays a secret recipe for ancient tracer fire, but does it really work? How far and how high could the mega-mortar “Roaring Meg” have fired its shots to take out a Royalist stronghold? Can a team of experts discover the truth...

Experts Panel: A War With Libya?

  Introduced by Vladimir Frolov Russia Profile 03/25/2011 The UN Security Council (UNSC) passed Resolution 1973 on March 17, authorizing “all necessary measures” against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and the establishment of a no-fly zone, which includes the possible use of military force, against pro-Gaddafi forces. Ten UNSC members voted for...

5 Early Lessons From Japan's Nuclear Crisis

by Mark Hibbs Japan is desperately racing to prevent three power reactors from melting down after last week's devastating earthquake and tsunami. This is an almost unthinkable challenge.A similar accident happened at one reactor at Three Mile Island many years ago, but Japan's rescue effort is taking place in near-battlefield conditions on a site that...

Weapons Races: The Race for the Battle Tank

The most fearsome tank on today’s battlefield is the US M-1A2 Abrams, virtually impregnable, fast, and capable of destroying an opponent many miles away. It is the most perfect example of a weapons race which began over 90 years ago to find a fighting machine capable of breaking the stalemate of the World War 1 trenches. The programme looks at how...

The Jewish General Who Beat Pakistan - Haaretz

"A victory by the Congress Party under the leadership of Sonia Ghandi in the elections to be held in India in May will not lead to any change in India's policy toward Israel. By Amnon Barzilai         Lieutenant General J.F.R. Jacob. "Indian finds Israel to be a friend on which it can rely."  ...

Friday, March 25, 2011

PAK-FA [T-50] Latest Armaments

Document refers the ongoing progress especially with respect to  armaments that will be installed in PAK-FA [T-50], Russian 5th generation stealth plane. Document discusses progress in following areas Air to Air missiles Anti-Radiation missiles Anti-ship missiles Air to surface bunker-busters guided ammunition. click to enlarge>>...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

MANPADS "Igla-S" In Libya Worries West

The appearance of the supporters of the regime Gaddafi modern man-portable air defense systems Igla-S " (SA-24 Grinch), mounted on pickup trucks are seriously worried Western military experts.  These MANPADS can shoot down planes coalition at altitudes up to 11,000 feet, is currently flying aircraft carried out at altitudes above 20,000 feet.But...

Expert: Selling Iskander Missiles - not in the interests of Russia

For Sale Ukrainian Russian missiles Iskander not in the interests of Russia. This is the opinion editor of Moscow Defense Brief Mikhail Barabanov, commenting on previously expressed in the Ukrainian media suggested that Ukraine refuses to develop its own missile system "Peregrine Falcon" in favor of the purchase of Russian tactical Iskander. " click...

Weapons Races: The Race For Radar And Stealth

As soon as the idea of strategic bombing was conceived, men began to look at ways of detecting them – or at evading this detection. Today’s stealth technology as exemplified in the Lockheed Martin F-117A Nighthawk seems to have won a race which began in the 1930s with the possibility of developing a death ray! The radar weapons race hotted up when...

The Revolution in Military Affairs and Directed Energy Weapons

by Matthew Mowthorpe The current revolution in military affairs (RMA) is based primarily on the impact made by advancing information, sensor, computing, and telecommunications technologies on the modern military. The concept is defined in the DoD’s Annual Report to Congress as: A Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) occurs when a nation's military...

Russian T-90 tank versus German Leopard 2A6 tank

In the 1500km desert travel evaluation of tanks the T-90 stood foremost among the rivals namely US A1-Abrams & German Leopards dictating its superior speed; firepower & more still its low silhouette causing major problem for the enemy to attack the Russian T-90. More still this tank is four times cheaper than its German counterpart & one...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Libya Was Late At Modernizing Air Defense Systems

Blog Polls   Libya's armed forces, primarily late in the modernization of air defense system, which actually made the country defenseless against air strikes and cruise missiles, the coalition forces. Lack of modern air defense systems can systematically and without any losses to air and missile strikes on Libya, the entire infrastructure of Sun (the Air Force, Army and Navy).  Air Force Libya, as well as air defense system is hopelessly outdated and can not even minimally counter fighter forces coalition. It should be noted that Libya...

Race For The Super (~Hydrogen) Bomb

“Even if you strike first; you will perish together with the defeated side. That is the paradox.”  Soviet Air Commander Great deal of scientists & intellectuals coming from both sides the Soviets & the Americans has taken up the task for designing the Atomic bomb & had shaped the mere written physics equation into a complex mechanized...

History of North Korea's Missile Program

Author: Slavic A. History of the North Korean missile program begins with copying and modernization of Soviet missiles SCUD ( 8K14 "Elbrus" ), which were sold to North Korea Egypt. The first samples that were designated as Hwasong-5, were taken into service, and already in 1986. were delivered to Iran, where is widely used during the Iran-Iraq war in the so-called War of the Cities. Evolutionary improvements have been incorporated into the new version of the missile, known as the Hwasong-6, with increased range and payload mass. Since 1991, the...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Weapon Races-Strategic Ballistic Missile

The documentary is somewhat biased about keeping Trident up on the line as being the absolute superior over  the Russian counterparts. Though it can be said that it’s a superior missile but cannot be regarded as the the fiorst one in the Ballistic Missile class. Following is a more factual & just analysis regarding ballistic or more importantly...


Cannot say this is a grossly published documentary with the sole American or Western purpose to assail the Iranian regime but there occurs somewhat truth in this footage. Documentary described the evolution toward Iranian Islamic Revolution & how it can disturb the stability of Middle East in particular & Europe in general. The nuclear race...

Gorbachev: History Will Be a Fairer Judge

by Lilia Shevtsova Mikhail Gorbachev will turn eighty next week. His birthday is an occasion to look back and ask ourselves questions not only about his contribution to Russia, but also about what happened to us after he left the Kremlin. The answers to both questions actually come from the Russian leaders who succeeded him. Not long ago, another...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Recipe for Success in the North Caucasus

by Nikolay Petrov Blog Polls Recent headlines have been filled with disturbing news from the North Caucasus: the killing of tourists and a series of terrorist attacks in Kabardino-Balkaria, a meeting in Vladikavkaz of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee headed by President Dmitry Medvedev, the nomination of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov to serve...

Russia-Turkey: A Farewell to Arms

by Dmitri Trenin My Turkish friend and I sometimes argue about how many wars Russia and Turkey have waged in the history of their relationship. I say, 11; he counts 14. What we both agree on is that, in the past 20 years, there has been a major, and positive, turnaround in the old relationship. Wars have become stuff for academics to ponder over. Instead...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Long Sunset Fighters Mikoyan

RSK MiG has a long and illustrious history. For many decades stands MiG (MiG) has been synonymous with the Soviet / Russian fighter at all. Glory, who came to the Mikoyan Design Bureau during the hostilities in Korea in 1950-1953, respectively, accompanied by his products throughout the Cold War, when aircraft grade MiG formed the basis of Soviet air power, many allies and satellites of Moscow. In the 90 years, the glory began to fade, and today at the words "Russian fighter" above all remember Mark Su. What happened to Mikoyanovsky firm for 20...

Russian Helicopter Industry 2010

A peek into the Helicopter industry of Russia. In this document recent progress on various different technologies & weapon upgrades are discussed with respect to  Russian Helicopters. The following are the main industries we will learn about...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Weapons Races - Aircraft Carrier

Documentary describes the evolution in the aircraft carrier design & its implication in the pre & post WWII. The radicalization of carriers had brought misery upon the once great Japanese Imperial naval force & it had helped the US to control whole of the Atlantic during the Great War. However, difficulty emerges with the the start of...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Afghanistan: A View From Moscow

Blog Polls What the Russians discovered in the mountains of the Hindu Kush was, above all, the power of militant Islam. They also saw the limits of reforming a traditional society and the impossibility of imposed modernization. They came to appreciate the intricacies of tribal society. They had to discount the power of military force relative to the power of the purse, and the power of the purse relative to the power of religious beliefs and tribal customs Unlike the situation in Iraq—where the U.S. and coalition forces were essentially caught...

Weapons Races - Jet Fighter

There will never be another manned jet fighter as powerful as the Lockheed F-22 Raptor. Its extraordinary capability is the result of a weapons race to evolve the perfect combat aircraft which began well before Frank Whittle invented the jet engine. This programme looks at the requirements such as speed, endurance, maneuverability, and fire power which...

India World’s Biggest Arms Importer

By Agence France-Presse Blog Polls India has been the world's biggest weapons importer over the last five years, Swedish think-tank SIPRI reported Monday, naming four Asian countries among the top five arms importers. The report also highlighted how the world's major arms supplying countries had in recent years competed for trade in Libya, and in other Arab countries gripped by the recent wave of pro-democracy uprisings. "India is the world's largest arms importer," the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said as it released...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Current Status Of Russian Nuclear Arsenal [Part 4]

Part 3  contd... As of October 2010, the space-based tier of the early warning system includes three operational satellites on highly elliptical orbits. The constellation cannot maintain 24-hour coverage of the U.S. territory. Early-warning satellites As of October 2010, the space component of the Russian early-warning system included three operational satellites deployed on highly-elliptical orbits (HEO). Satellites on the highly-elliptical orbit--Cosmos-2430 (HEO, launched 23 October 2007, NORAD catalog number 32268), Cosmos-2446 (HEO,...

Current Status Of Russian Nuclear Arsenal [Part 3]

Part 2 contd... The Russian strategic aviation consists of 76 bombers that can carry up to 844 long-range cruise missiles. The bombers are 13 Tu-160 (Blackjack) and 63 Tu-95MS (Bear H). The bombers can carry various modifications of the Kh-55 (AS-15) cruise missile and gravity bombs. Strategic aviation Strategic aviation units form the 37th Air Army of the Supreme High Command (Strategic) of the Russian Air Force. The commander of the 37th army -- Major-General Anatoli Zhikharev -- was appointed by a presidential decree on 19 September 2009. As...

Current Status Of Russian Nuclear Arsenal [Part 2]

Part 1  contd... The Russian strategic fleet includes 12 strategic missile submarines, whose missiles can carry 576 nuclear warheads. Bases of the Northern Fleet host six 667BDRM (Delta IV) submarines, which carry 96 R-29RM (SS-N-23) launchers. The only remaining Pacific Fleet base hosts four 667BDR (Delta III) submarines, which carry 64 R-29R (SS-N-18) missiles. Strategic Fleet Strategic naval forces are an integral part of the Russian Navy, which is a separate service of the Russia's Armed Forces. The current Commander-in-Chief of the Navy,...

Current Status Of Russian Nuclear Arsenal [Part 1]

In December 2010 the Russian strategic forces were estimated to have 611 strategic delivery platforms, which can carry up to 2679 nuclear warheads. The Strategic Rocket Forces have 375 operational missile systems that include missiles that can carry 1259 warheads. These include 58 R-36MUTTH and R-36M2 (SS-18) missiles, 70 UR-100NUTTH (SS-19) missiles, 171 road-mobile Topol (SS-25) systems, 52 silo-based and 18 road-mobile Topol-M (SS-27) systems, and 6 RS-24 missiles. Strategic Rocket Forces Strategic Rocket Forces is a separate branch of the...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Grant M3 Tank - America's Answer

Reports from Europe in 1940 convinced the US that the M2A1 medium tank was obsolete - their answer was the M3, a medium tank with a 75mm weapon. An astonishing frenzy of building that included co-opting the car industry meant that the US were able to produce more than 6,000 M3s in little more than 15 months.This product is manufactured on demand using...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

NATO-Russia Project For Detecting “Dirty bombs”

The prototype for a portable device for the detection of hazardous materials, which could be used to make a so-called “dirty bomb”, was tested successfully in St. Petersburg in April 2007. The device is the result of a two-year NATO-Russia Science for Peace Project, co-directed by Mr. C.J. De Ruiter of TNO (Organization for Applied Scientific Research), the Netherlands and Dr. A. Kuznetsov of the Khlopin Radium Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. The project’s aim was to design and build a prototype device to detect concealed explosives, radiological,...

Anti-Stealth Technology

Modern military stealth technology is based on the principle that stealthy craft remain invisible to detecting radar and infrared sensors, especially at long ranges.Such technology can be entirely nullified by the detecting radar and/or infrared sensors searching, not for the stealthy craft itself, but for the background behind the stealthy craft. The stealth craft will then show up in the form of a black or blank silhouette in front of the background. This is much like the way one can pinpoint with extreme accuracy the location of the moon during...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Turkish Recon Satellite To Reveal Israeli Secrets

A Turkish military reconnaissance satellite dubbed Gokturk, due in orbit by 2013, may release extremely high-resolution photographs that would defy a U.S. law banning satellite operators from releasing intelligence-bearing images of Israel.A new Turkish satellite has Israelis eyeing the end of a U.S.-backed blackout on high-resolution commercial photography...

China Tests 'Missile-defense’ System

China used a top-secret SC-19 anti-satellite (ASAT) missile in a test last year against a target missile as part of a missile-defense system that remains shrouded in secrecy.The ASAT missile was fired against a new medium-range missile and details were disclosed in a State Department cable made public recently by WikiLeaks that included an outline...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Air-to-Air Domination

Originally posted by fatman17 Robert Hewson Air-Launched Weapons Editor - LondonAir forces and industry are looking to their future air-to-air weapon requirements, Robert Hewson reportsOver the last 20 years there has, in general, been a fall in the emphasis on air-to-air weapons and combat among many major air forces. For Western Allied nations in particular the demands of irregular warfare in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere have accelerated a dilution in the training and resources needed to keep air combat skills sharp. There has also been a...

China Wants Israel as Technology Partner

Chinese commerce minister's visit to Israel serves as another stepping-stone in economic collaboration between Jewish state, Asian superpower  Chinese Commerce Minister Chen Deming signed a memorandum of understanding to promote commerce and cooperation between the Israel Export Institute and the Chinese commerce development institute during his recent visit to Israel. The minister's visit and the festive signing ceremony that ensued allowed a glimpse into the backstage collaborations that have been forming between Israeli and Chinese authorities...

Pak Gets IAEA Clearance for 2 Nuclear Reactors

Blog Polls BEIJING: China has agreed to build two new civilian nuclear reactors in Pakistan, according to Chinese companies and officials in Islamabad and Beijing, UK newspaper Financial Times said Thursday.The decision to supply reactors to Pakistan reflects China’s growing diplomatic confidence. It also reflects Beijing’s ambition to become a global supplier of nuclear energy and underscores its view of Pakistan as a prized south Asian strategic partner.The new deal with Pakistan, which has yet to be publicly announced, poses a dilemma for...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Line-of-Sight Anti-Tank Weapon (LOSAT) Analysis Great

The LOSAT Line-Of-Sight Anti-Tank weapon, developed and manufactured by Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control (formerly Lockheed Martin Vought Systems) in Dallas, Texas, consists of the Kinetic Energy Missile (KEM) and an IBAS-based fire control system integrated on an expanded capacity M1114 heavy High-Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV)...

Afghan Women Become Pilots

Originally posted by CENTCOM This is a report about the efforts made by the Afghan women in order to progress in life. In a country where until recently women did not have the right to speak, study, or even leave their house, it is a matter of pride and happiness that today; they are advancing in professions that are difficult even for the men of that society. These are inspiring events for the Afghan women who are gradually beginning to enjoy equal rights in society. This is an honor for the continuously advancing Afghan nation. Blog Polls...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Israeli-Syrian Air and SAM Strength Analysis

Learn about the locations of the possible SAM sites of the two rivals of the MiddleEast. Also mentioned are the types, quantities & relative comparisons of the arsenal of the two countries....

SuperComputer Proliferation

Learn how US smuggled Supercomputers [key elements for WMD designing]  to its own rivals to enrich the weapons research & how all of this is done by private US capitalistic organizations without Congress approval; just to earn the green bills!!...

We Salute Pakistan Fight Against Terror: Israel

NEW YORK - Pakistan’s elected government has not followed up on the contacts established by former President Pervez Musharraf’s govt with the Jewish State, a senior Israel diplomat said on Thursday. ‘Sadly, none’, was how Mark Sofer, Israel‘s Ambassador to India, reacted when asked whether any contacts had taken place since Musharraf’s ouster. Foreign Ministers of Pakistan and Israel met in Istanbul in 2005 and Musharraf addressed a prominent Jewish organisation in New York the following year. Ambassador Sofer also said Pakistan could benefit a...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Secret Russian Aircraft of WWII

Enter the World of Russian aviation industry of 1930s & 40s. The not very often advances about the Russian aviation is exhibited in this documentary. The remarkable flying-wing designs coupled with the massive rocket power is mostly attributed to the Nazi/German aviation industry but not so fast this ain’t the case. The Russians had already designed the Jet engine; had tested beforehand rocket powered aeroplanes plus had been able to theoretically explain the significance of swept wings!! MiG-15 as is projected a captured copy of German designs...

China's Most Secret Weapon: The Messenger Pigeon

Quizzes by Quibblo.com Though the world's attention has recently been focused on the unveiling of China's first ever stealth fighter jet, the Chinese military has been busy investing in another type of furtive flyer: the humble messenger pigeon. According to reports in state media, late last year, the Chengdu division of the People's Liberation...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What Is A Keyhole Satellite And What Can It Really Spy On?

Quizzes by Quibblo.com The code named Kennan "Keyhole-class" (KH) reconnaissance satellites have been orbiting the Earth for more than 30 years. They are typically used to take overhead photos for military missions. The big question for a lot of people is: "What can they see?" A KH-12 is a $1 billion satellite that resembles the Hubble Space...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

S-400 Triumf Destroys Supersonic Target

Tests of the latest S-400 Triumf air defense system (NATO reporting name S-21 Growler) were completed successfully at the Kapustin Yar firing range in Russia’s Astrakhan Region. Sergei Popov, head of the Russian Air Force’s air defense troops, said the system took down all of its targets.The system has a range of 400 km in which it can destroy ballistic...

An Empire Of US Military Bases

The United States boats hundreds of military bases around the world, perhaps even thousands. But, no one knows for sure because even the Pentagon does not bother to keep track. Historian and journalist Nick Turse explained, “What I’m relatively sure of is that there are no less than 1,077 US bases or sites in foreign countries….and likely there are many more than that, we just can’t be sure.”  What is known is that the US Defense budget is now about the equal to military spending in all other countries combined, and since 9/11, military and...

Mi-28N Night Hunter Versus Apache Helicopter

The main attack helicopter of the Russian Air Force versus main attack helicopter of the US Air Force <a href="http://www.blogpolls.com/poll/73219.html">Blog Polls</a&g...

Reconfigurable Supercomputing Outperforms Rivals

University of Florida researchers say their supercomputer, named Novo-G, is the world's fastest reconfigurable supercomputer and is able to perform some important science applications faster than the Chinese supercomputer touted as the world's most powerful.In November, the TOP500 list of the world's most powerful supercomputers, for the first time...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Watching The Ally

by Zafar HilalyThose manning the ISI and those running the government are essentially from the same pod. And yet, while the former is considered among the best in the world, the latter is arguably the worst. All that changed the other day when a “senior intelligence official” in a rare bout of candour confessed that our spooks were clueless about Raymand Davis and CIA-contracted spies like him in Pakistan. Being oblivious to scores of spies working for the CIA is inexcusable. Expecting the CIA to keep us informed of the identity and the nature...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

BBC How to Build A Jumbo Jet Engine

No mention of Russian designed engines; probably because the company besides British Rolls Royce that manufacture Civilian Jet engines is American General Electric.Enter the world of Rolls Royce & witness how mega machines yet precisiely engineered is constructed. Yes the Jet engine; the backbone of any flying vehicles. Talk to the technical experts how they manufacture blades that can withstand more than 90tons of pressure each. Starting from a block of titanium alloy how they are transformed into a precisely shaped & angled structures...

How the Taliban Lost Its Swagger

Disgusted by the insurgency’s relentless brutality, more than 1,000 fighters have walked away in recent months. At a dark, unheated village Madrassa near Peshawar, Pakistan, Mullah Yahya spends his days studying the Quran and begging God’s forgiveness for the horrors in which he once took part. Until a few months ago, he belonged to a Taliban unit...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

HIT Al Khalid Main Battle Tank

The Al-Khalid is essentially a hybrid tank design with systems, armament and subsystems originating from a variety of global sources though the tank system itself, as a whole, is a locally-produced product native to Pakistan. Its indirect lineage can be traced back to the Soviet Cold War-era T-54 series while its direct lineage stems from the Chinese...

‘Liquid Armour’ Turns Hard Enough To Stop Bullets

An innovative “liquid armour” that can stop bullets has been developed by BAE Systems engineers. By combining Kevlar with special shear-thickening liquids that lock togetherwhen struck with force, they have created a new bulletproof material which is 45per cent thinner than traditional armour yet offers the same level of protection....

Aspects Of Thermobaric Weaponry

◆ Thermobaric weapons are explosives optimised to produce heat and pressure effects instead of armour-penetrating or fragmentation damage effects.◆ Use and development of thermobaric weapons have increased over the last decade.◆ The weapons are particularly effective in enclosed spaces such as tunnels, buildings and field fortifications. Fireball and blast can travel around corners and penetrate areasinaccessible to bomb fragments. Blast waves are intensified when reflected by walls and other surfaces.◆ The primary injury mechanisms are blast and...

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