Russia's Biggest Question: Floating Airfields

Russia, perhaps will get a few carriers. In any case, the representatives of the United Shipbuilding Corporation have repeatedly asserted that the design of a new heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser must begin.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Russia’s Maritime Power Of 2nd Grade

June 17 in St. Petersburg was signed an agreement, as a result of which the Russian Navy a few years later supplemented with four amphibious assault ship of the "Mistral". Two of them will be built in France, the rest - in Russian shipyards. This event led me to some reflections. The author does not intend to enter into polemics with those who support the signed agreement or rejects it....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Assassin Nation: Is There Anyone Left Alive Who Can Actually Run Afghanistan?

By Edward Girardet In the late summer of 2001, I traveled to northern Afghanistan on assignment for National Geographic to meet with Ahmad Shah Massoud, the leader of the Northern Alliance and the last remaining opposition figure of any significance to the Taliban. I had known Massoud since 1981 and was hoping to interview him in depth about why he had persevered through more than 20 years of fighting, first against the Soviets, then Islamic extremists, and now the Taliban. But no one knew where he was or when he would arrive. The desert winds...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Proliferation Threat Of Medium-range Ballistics Is Extremely Limited

The threat of ballistic missiles (BM) medium-range and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) is extremely limited and is characterized by a downward trend. ARMS-TASS on scientific and practical conference with participation of the military attaches of foreign countries on the topic "Russia's position on the creation of a European missile defense," said Deputy Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Vyacheslav Kondrashov....

Sunday, July 17, 2011

An Increasing Number Of Large-MLRS

Every year, large-caliber multiple launch rocket systems are acquired by more armies in the world. The most important weapon of war - artillery - was one of the most important ever, now we have further growth trends in its development and acquisition, even despite the fact that the XXI century has generated a huge variety of aircraft and even managed, that not so long ago it was still only limit dreams of rockets being useful for various purposes. This trend is not fading away due to the fact that there is a constant multidirectional improvement,...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Can Afghanistan's Army Stand On Its Own?

 Although Afghan President Hamid Karzai recognized the death of Osama bin Laden as an "important day" for the fight against terrorism, he remains convinced that the Western military presence in his country needs to be reconsidered. "Year after year, day after day, we have said the fighting against terrorism is not in the villages of Afghanistan,...

Russian UAVs-A Failure

The Russian army is in dire need of modern unmanned vehicles. But before purchasing the UAV, including abroad, would be nice to see how they will interact with current and prospective troop control systems....

Crash-test Between Two Civilizations: West & Middle East

With the exception of Turkey and Iran, all states of the Middle East -  former colonies, protectorates and mandated territories, retained the former European metropolises with economic, political and military ties.What are today the results of these very complicated relationsh...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

China's First Master Designer

After years of trying to keep it a secret, China has confirmed that one of their aircraft engineers, Yang Wei, is actually one of those extraordinary designers who produces one successful design after another. Born in 1963, he graduated from college at age 19 and finished graduate school three years later. He soon went to work at the Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute, and a decade later was appointed director. So far, he has designed a working fly-by-wire system, as well as the JF-17, J-10B and J-20. He did not design the original J-10, but did...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cobwebs Of Rising Red Dragon: Beijing

In Middle East key partners of China - Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. They appreciate that China, unlike the West does not seek to change their lifestyle and political system.China in the region - a potential counterweight to U.S. and EU competitors. Beijing in Magribe and Sakhele, Mashrike Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, Turkey and Israel;...

Sevmash: Russian Pride Of Ship-Building

"Information that Russia does not have stocks to build ships such as French helicopter carrier Mistral is untrue. At least Sevmash has such features, "- said the representative of the Northern Machine-Building Enterprise (Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region), Alexander Kholodov. President Dmitry Medvedev with the submarine Yuriy Dolgorukiy in the ...

Science Behind Depleted Uranium

In the past I’ve made a number of posts and videos mentioning the fact that uranium is a rather common mineral and that it’s been used in a number of consumer products.   Indeed, thousands of kitchen cabinets contain uranium-glazed dinnerware, some of which was mass produced as recently as the 1980’s. This has been met with a curious response on numerous occasions.   Many concede that uranium is not all that harmful when touched or even ingested but then say “but what about the nano-particles.”   The dust, or “nanoparticles”...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Afghanistan: What Happened There? Image Gallery

For 10 years, ever since the towers fell, the United States has fought a war in a distant land in hopes, it says, of protecting American interests and making the world safer from terrorism. Now, as President Barack Obama plans to end US combat operations in Afghanistan by 2014, the question remains as muddy as ever: What happened here? – Photos by AP...

Tales Of An Enigmatic Dragon

I HAVE been riveted to a fascinating account of China’s evolution as a modern power by an author who has had a ringside view of the country’s crucial days in the transformative journey from its near mythical past. Henry Kissinger’s new book, On China, reads like a novel with parallel narratives. It is at once the story of the country’s Confucian past, its self-absorbed cultural grandeur rooted in the Sino-centric worldview of the Middle Kingdom, and how it all begins to unravel painfully, even tragically, before the assault by ‘distant barbarians’...

Updates on Mi-28N Helicopter-2011

Author gives a lineage of the development history of Mi-24/28/28N helicopters relative to the Ka-50/52 helicopters. The document also shed light upon the recent developments in the electro-optronic, armaments, & any related aspect of the Hind family helis.....

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