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Russia's Biggest Question: Floating Airfields

Russia, perhaps will get a few carriers. In any case, the representatives of the United Shipbuilding Corporation have repeatedly asserted that the design of a new heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser must begin.

Monday, February 28, 2011

How U.S. Exports Helped Fuel the South Asian Arms Race

By Gary MilhollinBlog Polls India and Pakistan, fresh from testing nuclear devices, are poised to build missiles that could deliver the bomb deep into each other's territory. The United States deplores these developments, but along with other countries, stands guilty of supplying much of the necessary technology. In fact, India's next generation of nuclear missiles will probably be designed with the help of American-made equipment. U.S. officials say that in 1996, Digital Equipment Corp. shipped a supercomputer to the Indian Institute of Science...

MORTAR Tactics in Open Terrain

Document discusses Mortar tactics with respect to  advancing enemy in open terrain. Document is aided by illustrations & is a basic information manual for a common military enthusiast....

Flowforming Mortar Cannon Barrels

Discusses Mortar Technical aspects & the advances in metallurgy employed in their manufactur...

Overview-Of-Nuclear-Facilities Iran, Israel And Turkey

Reviewed by DefenceD...

Secrets Of Iraq-Awakening

First Episode here:  Secrets Of Iraq-Insurgency In this episode BBC unravels the civil fight for dominance in Iraq between the two militant parties Sunni & Shia Militia. The former backed by the Al-Qaeda & the latter armed & supported covertly by Iranian regime. Both parties besides attacking US & the allies are also interlocked in bloody battles of ideology & religious fanaticism. In either case the innocent civilians have to face the intimidation, slaughter & unprecedented carnage not at the hands of foreigners but...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pakistan Demands Data on C.I.A. Contractors

By JANE PERLEZ ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan’s chief spy agency has demanded an accounting by the Central Intelligence Agency of all its contractors working in Pakistan, a fallout from the arrest last month of an American involved in surveillance of militant groups, a senior Pakistani intelligence official said Friday. Angered that the American, Raymond A. Davis, worked as a contractor in Pakistan on covert C.I.A. operations without the knowledge of the Pakistanis, the spy agency estimated that there were “scores” more such contractors “working...

Maxim Machine Gun 3D Model

Invented by Hiram S. Maxim in the U.S. in 1884, the Maxim Gun comprised the world's first automatic machine gun. The Maxim Gun was water-cooled (via a jacket around the barrel which held approximately one gallon) and fed from fabric belts; the German version of the gun, the Maschinengewehr, utilised 250-round belts.  The whole was mounted on a sledge which, although heavy - 1914 machine guns weighed from 40-60kg - did enable the gun to be carried in the manner of a stretcher.  The Maxim was usually operator by a four to six man team....

Soviet Famous Weaponry Timeline [1941-45]

This is a 3D animation by most post popular Russian News Source namely Ria Novosti describing in a beautiful way the evolution of technology in Soviet sphere & how the resulting military machines helped the comrades in their War against Nazis. This timeline entails all the military aspects starting from personal infantry Rifles up to the giant Submarines!!...

Tupolev Tu-95-142: Yefim Gordon

For insight comparisons this article must be read in conjunction with the progress of US B-52 bomber discussed here:B-52 Stratofortress in ActionBlog Polls In this book the great Soviet author encompasses all the technical details regarding the most influential & feared Soviet Bomber during Cold War era. Before the advent of ICBMs this bomber was the ONLY carrying vehicle capable to cross the Atlantics & deliver nuclear warhead INTO the US territory. Containing many previously untold facts and shedding new light on the Tu-95's development...

Secrets Of Iraq-Insurgency

The Americans already had started Iraq invasion on a false pretext of WMDs presence. Further mistakes by the Bush government & US allies worsened the conditions & fuelled the concept of liberators NO oppressors YES!! The complex nature of Iraq as being divided into Shia/Sunni religious beliefs wasn’t  adequately evaluated by US which felt that by installing a Pro-West interim government atleast they would win the hearts of the majority Shias who were before governed & oppressed by Saddam Sunni regime. The insurgency that US so...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hitler’s revenge —Harlan Ullman

After September 11, the enemy to some, particularly on the US right wing, became ‘Islamo-fascism’, a vile term that managed to slander a great religion while likening Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda to Hitlerian evilOver the past 70 years, who has generally exerted the greatest influence on how the US characterises its enemies? Ironically, the answer rests in why we were fully successful in only one major and lengthy war during that period and failed or stumbled in the others because of this flawed imaging process.Why did we win World War II and succeed...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Second Prototype of PAK FA Made Its First Flight

The second prototype of a promising fifth-generation fighter T-50 (PAK FA) made its maiden flight, according to Interfax . The plane took off from the runway of Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association. The flight was successful. Fighter piloted by distinguished test pilot Sergei Bogdan Russia, in early 2010 flew the first prototype of the...

Pakistan To Overtake Britain As World's 5th Largest Nuclear Power

By DAVID WILLIAMS Pakistan is on the verge of overtaking Britain as the world's fifth largest nuclear power at a time when the country faces an unprecedented threat from extremists. American intelligence agencies believe that Pakistan now has more than 100 deployed nuclear weapons, an increase of nearly 40 per cent in two years. It means that one of the countries considered the most unstable in the region is ahead of both Britain and, significantly arch-rival India, to own the fifth largest nuclear arsenal behind the United States, Russia, France...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

MiG-29 Fulcrum Upgrades [2009 Onwards]

Reviewed by DefenceDog; originally posted by Austin MiG 29 Upgrades ...

Sukhoi Su-15 Flagon-Variant File

Old Dog revisited!!Sukhoi Su-15 Flagon-Variant File ...

China Alarmed By Middle-East Protests

In a meeting with senior politicians, President Hu Jintao calls for 'a system of public opinion guidance on the Internet.' Analysts say the Mideast, Libya protests have shaken Beijing....

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Jinnah Creator of Pakistan by Henry Hector

Creator of Pakistan was the official biography of the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. It proved popular, and from the year of its first publication in 1954, it was printed many times. For a full thirty years it was the only internationally acknowledged work on Mohammad Ali Jinnah. In this book, Bolitho has collected anecdotes...

Learn About Grenade Launching

This includes three issues [documents]** Rifling technique & technology: learn how the tanks & armour vehicles are made to throw projectiles Recent catalogue of Russian Grenade Launchers A western outlook upon Grenade Launching ** Anatomy of the projectile [because it varies a lot] will be discussed in a future issue...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jews & Porn Business

Now this is something reasonably hidden but still very awkward as to why the porn business flourishes worldwide while meanwhile any other business besides  Defence industry( thanks to the WOT ) is getting crippled?? In this document the author unveils a hidden Jewish cult meant to downplay the Christian religion using hideous methods of flesh, desire & money. The wealthy Jews had so covertly used the poverty stricken Eastern European Catholic girls for their lust & a road to become a billionaire!!...

Raymond Davis A US Spy?

Blog Polls It seems that after all the ball is in Pakistan’s court!! I mean with the Davis being caught Red Handed one can easily observe how agitated the human rights whistle-makers are. Indeed they had changed disconformity with Pakistan to outright threating Pakistan of the dire consequences it can face, if the murderer of three civilians be not returned to US. Is this hypocrisy I will say yes after all what standards they had rendered against Aafia Siddiqui are not being entertained in Davis case point being who is American & who is…well...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

UCAVs or Cruise Missiles?

Blog Polls Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles, or UCAVs, are increasingly an important capability available to military commanders and, as they become more capable, they will be able to replace cruise missiles in many of their traditional roles. This article looks at some of the possible trends for both UCAVs and cruise missiles in order to predict if cruise missiles will be able to survive the competition.Cruise missiles and UCAVs have a long heritage, both having predecessors that appeared during World War Two. The German V1 was an early example of...

Killer Subs In Pearl Harbor + 3D Model

During WWII, the Imperial Japanese Navy built and deployed hundreds of different submarines, but on the morning of December 7th, 1941, they debuted a particularly secret weapon—the Type A Ko-Hyoteki midget submarine. Five of these small subs furtively made their way toward Pearl Harbor with the mission to attack U.S. battleships from below. At a quarter...

Best Kept Secrets of the Military

Not only the advancements regarding war machines made of metal also the marine animals are providing the Surveillance for the US army!!Here find confidential stories from the top secret files of the Pentagon: A nuclear bomb is lost off the East Coast! Could it suddenly wipe out an entire city? This bomb is still capable of a nuclear explosion, and it has never been recovered. Plus... earth shattering sky quakes rattle Los Angeles. Are they being caused by a top secret spy plane? We examine supersonic aircraft operating whose existence is not being...

Smokers’ Corner: From Vietnam to Waziristan

Nadeem F. Paracha Blog Polls A friend of mine recently told me a revealing little tale. To film a documentary, he had travelled up north into a tense battle zone where the Pakistan Army is fighting a bloody war against extremists. There he met a soldier who startled him by saying: “Sir, since you seem to be an educated man I can trust, let me tell you that all these extremists were made by us!” He then added: “We are told so many lies about whom we are fighting. But we know who these people are. These are the people we have been feeding, and...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

BBC – How To Build A Nuclear Submarine

Fourteen years to design and build and costing around a billion pounds, nuclear submarine the Astute is one of the most technologically advanced and controversial machines in the world. For over a year the BBC filmed its construction inside one of the most secure and secret places in the country. The film features many of the workers including Erin Browne, a 19-year-old apprentice electrician who wires up the boat; Commander Paul Knight, responsible for the safety of the nuclear reactor; and Derek Parker, whose job involves moving massive pieces...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Russian AESA Radar Will Compete F-22's

Originally posted by Austin <a href="http://www.blogpolls.com/poll/72369.html">Blog Polls</a&g...

Hitlers Plan To Atom Bomb New York

Its fantastic simple is that. So much to learn about the not so often known by others!! I simply cannot resist such a mind blowing documentary about the 3 Ps who not only changed the view of mankind about the star war technology but USA is rather indebt to these German personnel in shaping their warplanes spacecrafts & nukes of the 21st century. The thrill is that one of them hired by Egypt to destroy Israel by the nuclear technology of a German scientist. While the other two destined to destroy USA were rather opted to help it. And you must...

SS Death Heads

In this documentary you will know some of the inner elites & services of german forces. Along with their ruthless adventure in central europe some keen interviews of the german infantry men who participated in the venture against Jews. Meantime victims & other witnesses of the mass killings make this documentary quiet informative...

Inside Area 51

Most exotic weapons never to be displayed to public by USA will be seen in this documentary. Along with many secrets about the origins of stealth technology will be unveiled. Most important of all will be the acquirement of soviet MiGs by US pilots termed as RedHats. Area 51 which was long denied to be nothing but a dramatization somehow got attention in Clinton era & how he dealt with it will be seen here. Change in location of area 51 from Nevada to Colorado & the influencing parameters will be discussed. Much twist when an Hollywood...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

NOVA AstroSpies

This is some sort of a new information leaking through the soviet regime into the historians log book & it tells much more about the star wars going through the Cold war era. Both sides USA & the Soviets trying to beat eachother not on civilian space breakthroughs but purely on defensive grounds!! The MOL & ALMAZ projects are covered in...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sri Lanka - China's Israel in Indian Ocean

http://www.srilankaguardian.org/2009/05/sri-lanka-chinas-israel-in-indian-ocean.html Srilanka As China's Israel I agree I slightly agree I don't agree    - In the international relations context, Chinese hegemony is spreading in the world as one reads this article. China will need an Israel type ally in South Asia and Sri Lanka is a perfect candidate! _________________ The Western powers are making major mistakes in its dealings with Sri Lanka while China is making the best usage of it. In Sri Lanka, China had found a vital ally....

Sunday, February 13, 2011

In search of the Jews of Karachi

http://tribune.com.pk/story/113103/in-search-of-the-jews-of-karachi/ In search of the Jews of Karachi – The Express Tribune In the heart of Karachi, amidst the sounds of traffic and the ever-present smog, one can hear shouts of bus conductors calling out “Tower, Tower!” The object of their affection is the 19th century Merewether Tower on II Chundrigar Road, dwarfed now by tall buildings in the city’s busy financial area, but still unique due to its design. In the middle of the tower is an engraved Star of David, set in stone. Some upholder...

Vals Im Bashir [2008; Eng Subtitle]

Being Human Do You Feel Sorry For Palestinians Yes No Slightly Yes Slightly No    One night at a bar, an old friend tells director Ari about a recurring nightmare in which he is chased by 26 vicious dogs. Every night, the same number of beasts. The two men conclude that there's a connection to their Israeli Army mission in the first Lebanon War of the early eighties. Ari is surprised that he can't remember a thing anymore about that period of his life. Intrigued by this riddle, he decides to meet and interview old friends...

Friday, February 11, 2011

B-52 Stratofortress in Action

The B-52 has been flying and in service since 1954. Only 744 were built, but they have captured the imagination of all aviation fans. Nicknamed "BUFF" Big, Ugly, Fat, Fellow" (polite version), Boeing first built this bomber to carry nuclear bombs against the Soviet Union. Many updates occured over the years and the B-52 gained infamy during the Vietnam war where it was modified to carry 70,000 lbs of bombs (that would take 17 WW2 B-17's to carry that payload). This In Action book was published in 1992, so it just got in a few paragraphs of the...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Su 35S Flanker March 2010

The best agile plane ever built DT Su 35S Flanker March 2010 ...

MiG-29 Upgrades

Taming the old bird!! MiG 29 Upgrades ...

Hidden Wars of Desert Storm [year 2000]

What was made Saddam back in the days of desert storm to attack Kuwait; was it oil or USA assurance in helping him out secretly? Did USA show false satellite images to Saudis & media of Iraqi tanks approaching Saudi Arabia? Were the troops counted lakhs as USA claimed or were a mere above 1000? Did USA wanted eagerly for Saddam to attack Kuwait...

Pak-FA [T-50] Latest updates

Pak-FA Latest updates includes the following items that really intrigue me. Development of a versatile satellite guided missile missile ~KH-38 Introduction of 'quick-bay' concept for storing short-range air-to-air missile ~R73 & the likes of R60 Surprised by no rear-mounted radar plan in the coming T-50 planes Static-instability enhanced for maneuvering even in supersonic flights Completely saw-toothed bottoms & gear bays TVC movement only vertical but still tuned (in a way) to vector thrust in 360 degree (do read about this!!) PAK FA...

Sukhoi S-37 and Mikoyan MFI: Russian Fifth-Generation Fighter Demonstrators

Conceived in the early 1980s to ease the threat posed by the American ATF program, these fighters were developed as the Soviet Union's fifth-generation fighters. This book gives a detailed account of how Russia's two leading fighter aircraft designers competed for the order and how a third contender never made it to the hardware stage. It deals with the way these aircraft were conceived, designed, built, and flown. Yefim Gordon discussed both the project history, prototypes, technical details (From Fuselage, Landing gear, control System... etc,...

ITP TVC & EuroFighter

Document discusses what is TVC [Thrust Vector Control]; how it increases the potency & lethality of the coming warplanes & how it's effectively achieved in Eurofighter [EF-2000]. Included are the detailed infographics & computer simulations to identify & enhance the role of TVC in not only the warplanes but also in the missile technology. ITP TVC & EuroFighter ...

Scientific American Online Issue 01 2002 - The Science of War-Weapons

This issue is all about defence technology & their impact. This issue consists following items ANCIENT WEAPONS The TrebuchetBY PAUL E. CHEVEDDEN, LES EIGENBROD, VERNARD FOLEY AND WERNER SOEDEL; SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, JULY 1995Recent reconstructions and computer simulations reveal the operating principles of the most powerful weapon of its time. BLACK MARKET WEAPONS Third World Submarines BY DANIEL J. REVELLE AND LARA LUMPE; SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, AUGUST 1994 The proliferation of submarines may be a threat to established navies and regional stability, but...

House of Saud

In the House of Saud the treachery of the royal family is exhibited in the finest details; their comforts & extravagance that not not only made them unpopular worldwide but also the religious scholars no longer remained PURE in their ethical sense. The usage of religion as a political tool & the Islamic wannabes trying to remain in the...

Iran Is Not The Problem

Whenever you look at the international news section only one name confronts you that is Iran. Now, is Iran a great problem & threat to anyones security Y~N? Does Iran really want to have a pile of nuclear arsenal to crumble the two nations namely Saudi & or Israel? Is Hamas supported by CIA or the Iran supplies it the weapon? If USA favours democracy over dictatorship why in God's name it doesnt support the two pure democratic regimes in Middle-East namely Iran & Palestine? Is Iran is overconfident or the USA make Iran feel in...

U-Boat 3CD Set

This series consists of three parts namely Sea Wolves Attack America & lastly Iron coffins This is the most comprehensive documentary relating to the inauguration upto the dismissal & defeat of You-Boats at Atlantics. Insides of various U-Boat crew men make this documentary a must see...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rise & Fall of the Russian Oligarchs

Below are three parts of a documentary titled "The Rise and Fall of the Russian Oligarchs" produced by the program Human Edge for Canadian television. The documentary vastly simplifies the Khodorkovsky case, and commits many of the common mistakes and misinterpretations of the facts seen elsewhere (for example, they seem to believe that there are no longer any powerful private businessmen in Russia). Much is lost when one tries to bring this story of contemporary Russia to a broad audience, and anyone who reads this blog probably already...

BBC Nuclear Secrets [5 episodes ]

Nuclear Secrets, aka Spies, Lies and the Superbomb, is a 2007 BBC Television docudrama series which looks at the race for nuclear supremacy from the Manhattan Project through to the Pakistani nuclear weapons. Full 5 episodes streaming @4shared.com ...

The Soviet Story

The film tells the story of the Soviet regime. - The Great Famine in Ukraine (1932/33) - The Katyn massacre (1940) - The SS-KGB partnership [in the late 1930s the KGB was called NKVD, more info>] - Soviet mass deportations - Medical experiments in the GULAG. These are just a few of the subjects covered in the film. “The Soviet Story” also discusses...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Engines That Came In From The Cold

The Engines That Came In From The Cold told the amazing story behind the use of Russian-designed rocket engines in the next generation of US space launchers. The engines harness a technology that Americans thought to be beyond the capabilities of modern engineering - but which had in fact been mastered by the Russians 30 years ago.  Russias lead...

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