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Russia's Biggest Question: Floating Airfields

Russia, perhaps will get a few carriers. In any case, the representatives of the United Shipbuilding Corporation have repeatedly asserted that the design of a new heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser must begin.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saudis Buy Advanced Nuclear-Capable Missiles in China

US National Security Adviser Tom Donilon is the second high-ranking American official to visit Riyadh in less than a week. He landed Tuesday, April 12, just six days after US Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Saudi King Abdullah ended a stormy interview which failed to bridge the widening gap between Washington and Riyadh.For the second interview,...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Tales of the Gun: Guns of the Russian Military

If we have to mention an extraordinary occasion accompanied with an extraordinary weapon; that will be the Siege of Leningrad & the PPS submachine gun....

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Third Generation of Nukes

by MICHAEL D. LEMONICK;BRUCE VAN VOORST/ WASHINGTON The Hazebrook nuclear device that was detonated some 700 ft. below the Nevada desert  was puny by most measures. Equal to about 40 tons of TNT, a mere .2% as strong as the Hiroshima blast, it would be feeble in a missile warhead. But in space, packed into the closed end of a stubby barrel and...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The New Front Line Of Modern Warfare.

BY STANLEY A. MCCHRYSTAL From the outset of my command in Afghanistan, two or three times each week, accompanied by a few aides and often my Afghan counterparts, I would leave the International Security Assistance Force headquarters in Kabul and travel across Afghanistan -- from critical cities like Kandahar to the most remote outposts in violent border...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Real Face of U.S. ABM system in Europe

by Ilya Kramnik U.S. missile defense system, whose deployment has continued despite the changed concept remains the main stumbling block between the U.S. and Russia. Today, it can not reflect the Russian nuclear attack and is unlikely to tomorrow, but it is in its weakness is the main threat....

Sunday, April 24, 2011

NATO At War, But You Wouldn't Know It In Brussels.

BY STEPHEN CASTLE BRUSSELS — During the Kosovo conflict in the late 1990s, NATO's Brussels headquarters had something of the feeling of a battlefield encampment. Member states dispatched top strategists to Belgium to confer with one another and with the international press. Journalists from around the world crammed themselves by the hundreds every...

S-300P Missile Destroy Ten Aerial Targets In Two Minutes

The First Aerospace Defense Brigade has repelled an all-out simulated air strike at the Ashuluk firing range in Russia’s Astrakhan Region. Four battalions operating S-300 Favorit SA-20 Gargoyle surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems knocked out drones in a difficult tactical situation. All sort of aerial threats ranging from manned jet planes to ballistic...

Tales of the Gun: The AK-47

The Avtomat Kalashnikova, 1947, otherwise known as the AK-47, was developed by the Soviets in secrecy at the dawn of the Cold War. Its menacing silhouette, featuring a curved magazine, has gained worldwide recognition and respect. In a rare television interview Mikhail Kalashnikov, the inventor of the AK-47, discusses how he designed the gun and what...

My Brother the Islamist

Robb Leech is an ordinary white middle-class boy from the Dorset seaside town of Weymouth. So too is his stepbrother Rich, but a little over a year ago Rich became a radical Islamist who now goes by the name of Salahuddin. He associates with jihadist fundamentalists and believes the UK should be ruled by Sharia law. ...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Secret War On Terror

9/11 ushered in a secret war against al-Qaida that was to test West’s commitment to human rights to the limit!! President Bush wanted to deny any prison rights vis a vis by Geneva convention to any al-Qaida suspects….Washington wanted results & CIA was told to get results any way they get them....

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Flying Radar in the Past and Present - Part III

Read first and second parts. Role of AWACS aircraft in the modern air force can not be overestimated. Without these aircraft are inconceivable today any large-scale air operations, and flying radar capabilities have increased significantly. Improving avionics, its miniaturization have made a real appearance of numerous variants of these machines, based on light and medium platforms, its characteristics are not inferior to the heavier counterparts. Using AWACS aircraft in a centralized system of control and communication is vital to any country...

Russia’s Fading Army Fights Losing Battle to Reform Itself

A very good article by the Wall Street Journal’s Richard Boudreaux . . . though missing a few of the most up-to-date pieces of the story, his report captures important aspects of the Russian contract service experiment that even so-called specialists overlook. ...

Pakistan-Tactical Multi-Tube Ballistic Missile

Pakistan yesterday conducted the first official test firing of what it described as a short-range surface-to-surface multitube ballistic missile.An Inter-Services Press Release statement said the Nasr (Victory) missile could be tipped with "nuclear warheads of appropriate yield with high accuracy," therefore confirming Pakistan's long-assumed tactical...

The Battle of Hood and Bismarck

These two battleships were the largest that ever sailed the seas for their countries. They were also engaged in a naval battle that decided the ate of the Bismark and condemned the HMS Hood to the bottom of the North Atlantic where it still lies to this day. Bismarck in 1940 HMS Hood, 17 March 1924  ...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It all started with Tunisia - Part III

by Yevgeny Satanovsky Events unfolding in recent months in the Middle East, allow us to estimate the alignment of forces vying for influence in the region, and to revise the established theoretical concepts, not all of which were confirmed in practice. In our country, they surprised all academic schools: the adherents of the academic approach (dating back to the classic Russian Oriental Studies), military and political ideology (based on the theory of the Soviet era) and they weren’t accustomed to the neo-liberal dogma of western wing & the...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Chechen Muslim Comrade-Follow Quran & Prophet

by Usman Abdullaev Today, an increasingly important role in the life of Russian society, and therefore the army is the religious factor. Your thoughts on this subject with the readers of "military-industrial complex" has already shared the chairman of the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church in cooperation with the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies, archpriest Dimitry Smirnov. This newspaper editorial provides a word of Muslim theology (Ulema*) Usman Utsievichu Abdullayev. He graduated from the Islamic spiritual institution in Damascus...

China Military Construction on US-Soviet Templates

by Alexander Khramchikhin The Information Office of the State Council issued another - the seventh since 1998, White Paper, "China's National Defense 2010". Familiarity with it causes a lot of troubling questions. ...

A World That Doesn't Have To Ask For America's Permission…

By David Rothkopf  While NATO bickers over strategy in Libya, BRIC leaders have gathered in Sanya, China, to demonstrate the growing strength of an alternative grouping that has among its principle selling points the fact that it is neither Western nor U.S.-dominated. To compare the world's most potent and enduring military alliance with a loose...

Libya-Electronic Warfare Defeated SAMs

In the air strikes on Libya, the United States first used the latest electronic warfare aircraft EA-18G Growler. According to Western military, thanks largely to him, no American, French or British plane was shot down a Libyan air defenses. EA-18G Growler  ...

World Market Of Air Defense Systems "Promptly" Respond To The Events In Libya

Course of operations in Libya has demonstrated the importance of reliable modern air defense systems for the country's defense, which will further increase demand on the world market for air-defense system of small, medium and long range, which before these events was quite high.  ...

Flying Radar in the Past and Present - Part II

by Ilya Kramnik Continued…. read the last issue By the end of 60's AWACS aircraft firmly taken their place in the Air Force's leading countries in the world. Without “flying radars” bypassed not one large-scale air operation. At the same time disadvantages of first generation AWACs severely limits their opportunities. Especially critical was the inability...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

It all started with Tunisia - Part II

by Yevgeny Satanovsky Continued...  read in the last issue . In the Middle East as in all previous eras, "power centers" in the second decade of the 21st century, vying with each other in an enlarged still another round of "big games", international organizations realize large scale projects in the region, much of which is aimed at ensuring...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

It all Started With Tunisia: Part 1

by Yevgeny Satanovsky The initial phase of Operation Odyssey Dawn to peace enforcement of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi makes it possible not only to analyze a first approximation, the correlation of forces and tactics states, movements and international organizations operating in the Middle East, but also to assess the current Russian policy in this...

Flying Radar in the Past and Present - Part I

by Ilya Kramnik The first aircraft with onboard radar do not differ great potential - the maximum they could get of their radars, is to help locate in poor weather or night-time enemy aircraft at a distance of several kilometers and ensure convergence to the distance to the effective fire-board weapons. Since then the situation has changed radically....

Forgotten GUN Blum

by Simon Fedoseev System of a machine gun was designed by Mikhail Nikolayevich Blum (1907-1970) - later known developer of various samples of weapons and ammunition - in the very beginning of his path as a designer-gunsmith, in 1929. At this time, Blum served as a gunsmith in parts of the Far East Special Red Banner Army, but in early 1930 was directed...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Weapons Races: Nuclear Submarine

The Race for the Nuclear Submarine From the very first nuclear powered sub, USS Nautilus to the latest nuclear attack sub, USS Virginia (representing the cutting edge of modern naval warfare); a race has ensued to develop a new kind of warship that would change naval warfare forever. Look at the way in which both the technology and the tactics...

America Unmanned Future

by Vladimir Shcherbakov   "Computers and the like" network-centric "Things are good at the exercises and in the war against a weak opponent - said once one of the American generals. - They give commanders the beautiful pictures and lots of information.But when enemy is distributed in the trenches: "bayonets!", It is time to turn off the monitors...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ceramic Coatings May Protect Jet Engines from Volcanic Ash

Last year's $2 billion shutdown of European airspace following a volcanic eruption in Iceland alerted everyone to the danger that ash clouds can pose to aircraft engines. Now, researchers have discovered that a new class of ceramic coatings could offer jet engines special protection against volcanic ash damage in the future. For a study published...

"Your victory - this is our achievement"

  by Vadim Levashko Russian Broken Translation; made understandable by GarryB "Supplies of arms and military equipment under Lend-Lease were not decisive for the victory of the Soviet Army and Navy in the Great Patriotic War and the war with Japan" The interrelations of the participating countries of the anti-Hitler coalition, until now, cause...

Recent Advances in Trace Explosives Detection

There has been a huge increase in instrument development for trace detection of explosives in the past 3 years. This is especially true for methods that can be used at a stand off distance, driven by the frightening increase in the use of improvised explosive devices in both suicide and road side bombings. This review attempts to outline and enumerate...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Weapons Races : Strategic Bomber

streaming @ blip.tv Examine the elements of range, payload, protection and performance which convinced military theorists that the B-2A Spirit stealth bomber was the ultimate weapon. Find out how their hopes and fears were tested in combat. Observe the changing strategies in the warfare & how the deigned weapons get accustomed to every variable....

The Question of Independent Pashtunistan

by Musa Khan Jalalzai The Afghan ruler neither offered the Pashtuns of Pakistan the citizenship of Afghanistan nor gave them the right of vote. They never accepted them as Afghans nor allowed them to visit Afghanistan without a Pakistani passport. Relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan have remained strained due to the Durand Line dispute. Successive...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Evolution of Legendary RPG-7

by Simon Fedoseev This year marks 50 years since adopting a grenade reusable RPG-7. For this area of ​​weapons such "longevity" can be regarded as unique - too rapidly changing requirements for an RPG with the development of military technology and methods of warfare. This makes it even more interesting history and current status of the "longevity",...

The Crusades-Terry Jones

@blip.tv four episodes It took 200 years for the Crusaders to create [this] Muslim fanaticism. It was the exact imitation of Christian intolerance. In this series, Terry Jones presents the recounting of the religious wars for control of the "Holy Lands" waged by Christian Europe against the Islamic world. In addition, Terry Jones recreates specific...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Rocket Pride of India

by Vladimir Shcherbakov Regional superpower, India will soon be one of the power centers of world significance. And thanks in part to qualitative and quantitative growth of military power, the full development of the national military-industrial complexes. Delhi is the de facto member of the nuclear club, independently develop nuclear weapons and their...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Russia Eyes Bigger Role on North Korea Issue

by Dmitri Trenin Russia, up till now a more discreet player in the North Korean nuclear issue, seems to be intervening more actively in the rising tension over the Korean Peninsula recently. Does this signal a policy change by Russia toward North Korea? And what is the thinking behind Russia's increasing military presence in Northeast Asia? Global...

Forgotten Ally

by Michael Vovk It is widely known that the Second World War won the three powers - the USSR, Britain and the United States. It was they who made the most significant contribution to the victory. Nevertheless, apart from them with the troops of the Wehrmacht in the ranks of the Allies fought and hundreds of thousands of other nationalities. The most numerous of them were Poles who had fought not only in the pro-Soviet Polish troops, known to our citizens in the film "Four tanker and a dog", and numerous guerrilla groups operating in occupied Poland,...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Bright Future "Dinosaur" T-95 Tank

Russian Broken Translation; made understandable by GarryB Despite all the predictions about the care of this type of armored vehicles from the scene, MBT retain its role as the main striking force of ground troops. The development of these machines goes primarily toward increasing the security of crews and integration into a unified information space...

Tales Of The Gun - Japanese Guns of WWII

  When Japan entered World War II, their soldiers were armed with pride, a sense of invincibility and an arsenal of clumsy and outdated weapons. JAPANESE GUNS OF WWII visits weapons collections and museums for an up-close look at the arsenal that contributed to the empire's ultimate defeat. Compared to those wielded by the Allies, the Japanese...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Do not forget about the "twenty-sixth"

by  Michael Baryatinskiy Russian Broken Translation; made understandable by GarryB The story of Soviet tanks of World would be incomplete without mentioning the war machines of the prewar period, formed the basis of the Red Army tank fleet in 1941.The most massive of them was a light tank T-26. 28 May 1930 the Soviet Purchasing Commission, headed by IA Halepskim, head of the newly established Office of mechanization and motorization (UMM) Red Army, which signed a contract with the British firm Vickers on production for the Soviet Union in...

International Space Station calendar 2011


National Geographic Megastructures Super Copters

Since their breakthrough invention decades after the airplane, helicopters have been vital - used for surveillance, rescue and as a weapon of war. The latest super copters are one of an advanced breed of machines - built to fly fast and silently to places helicopters could never go before, even to the reaches of inner space. Incredible technology is...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fifty Years of Soviet Aircraft Construction-Featured

Alexander Yakovlev (March 19 (April 1) 1906, . Moscow - August 22, 1989, . Moscow) - Soviet aircraft, . Colonel General of Aviation (1946), . Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1976), . Twice Hero of Socialist Labor, . tenfold Commander of the Order of Lenin, . Member of USSR Armed Forces in 1946-1989, . referent Stalin on aviation.,    ...

Addressing the Nuclear Waste Issue With Common Algae

  ScienceDaily (Apr. 4, 2011) — Researchers from Northwestern University and Argonne National Laboratory have an enhanced understanding of a common freshwater alga and its remarkable ability to remove strontium from water. Insight into this mechanism ultimately could help scientists design methods to remove radioactive strontium from existing...

Monday, April 4, 2011

US Muslims 'face growing discrimination'

Anti-Muslim bigotry includes inflammatory rhetoric by elected officials, congressional panel is told. Muslim citizens of the United States face growing discrimination in daily life, manifesting itself in violence, vandalism and arson, a US congressional panel has been tol...

MI5 Concealed Report on Soviet Penetration From CIA

By IAN ALLEN British counterintelligence officials decided to conceal from their American counterparts a report detailing Soviet spy penetration of the UK, because it showed London’s permissive attitude towards intelligence infiltration. The secret report, entitled “Survey of Russian Espionage in the UK 1935-1955”, was authored by the D Branch of MI5,...

NOVA: Battle of the X-Planes

@blip.tv Each newer generation of fighters costs more than the last; so fewer are purchased!! Ever more expensive fighters in ever more decreasing numbers...in defence circles that's is called the ‘Death Spiral’. Letter to NOVA: Infiltrate the world's two largest aerospace companies—Boeing and Lockheed Martin—which are competing to build the fighter...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

BBC Cold War Episodes 07-15

Previous Part The Greater Resource of Modern History Research:The BBC Gives: "Cold War"An in-depth documentary series in 24 partsIn 24 episodes, each about an hour long, we will go through every little inch of the Cold War; how it started, how it developed and how it finally came to an end.This BBC production is above outstanding in many aspects. It is without bias, and it doesn't take any sides. It clearly sticks to facts and does not venture in to speculations or even gray areas. Narrator is Kenneth Branagh, a well-known voice that speaks clearly...

BBC Cold War Episodes 1-06

Greater Resource of Modern History Research:The BBC Gives: "Cold War" An in-depth documentary series in 24 parts In 24 episodes, each about an hour long, we will go through every little inch of the Cold War; how it started, how it developed and how it finally came to an end. This BBC production is above outstanding in many aspects. It is without bias, and it doesn't take any sides. It clearly sticks to facts and does not venture in to speculations or even gray areas. Narrator is Kenneth Branagh, a well-known voice that speaks clearly and with...

Low Numbers: A Practical Path to Deep Nuclear Reductions

  U.S. policy seeks to create the conditions that would allow for deep reductions in nuclear arsenals. This report offers a practical approach to reducing the U.S. and Russian stockpiles to 500 nuclear warheads each and those of other nuclear-armed states to no more than about half that number. This target would require Washington and Moscow...

Moscow’s Careful Stance on Libya

by Dmitri Trenin Russia’s decision to abstain on the UN Security Council resolution 1973 has marked a new milestone in the evolution of Moscow’s foreign policy. Up to now, it felt compelled to veto any Western use of force against sovereign states: in part to avoid creating potentially dangerous precedents, in part to check the use of American power...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Demise of Hydro-Aviation_Russia

by Mikhail Barabanov Taganrog Aviation Scientific-Technical Complex (Beriev) them. Beriev - the world's only major design office specializing in the creation of amphibians. Meanwhile, world practice shows that the development direction hydroaviation today is unpromising, obviously unprofitable occupation, and only with the direct support of the state....

Weapon Races: Race to Build Atomic Bomb

Nuclear science and World War II collided at the same time in history. In 1938, a few scientist were changing the molecular structure of atoms by bombarding them with neutrons. Leo Szilard was the first to realize that if an atom splits and sends out more than one neutron, the result could be a chain reaction. A massive energy release based on Albert...

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