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Russia's Biggest Question: Floating Airfields

Russia, perhaps will get a few carriers. In any case, the representatives of the United Shipbuilding Corporation have repeatedly asserted that the design of a new heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser must begin.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pendulum Of War

IN the past couple of weeks, Al Qaeda and its franchises have come back with a vengeance, attacking Pakistan, its security forces and the public. This also appears to be a prelude to an increase in violence in Afghanistan in the near future. An important aspect of these new series of attacks is their concentration on Islamabad, Peshawar and locations along the Durand Line. In their latest onslaughts on urban centres, militants have used both improvised explosive devices and suicide bombers. Clearly, the militants are in good health and pose a serious...

Monday, June 27, 2011

China Naval & SAMs Developments 2010-2011

Sean O'Connor in his latest issue of I&A analysis discuss the ongoing improvements & progress in the Chinese Naval projection & SAM systems. He discusses the evolution of Chinese SAM from Russian imported  systems & how such systems knowledge is put to manufacture local variants namely HQ-9 & HQ-12 SAMs. The expertise gained...

Tank Overhaul: The BMP

Unveiled in the mid-1960s, the Soviet BMP was the world's very first infantry fighting vehicle - a brand new concept for the modern nuclear battlefield. The BMP was designed to protect soldiers from radioactive fallout and allow them to fight from within the vehicle. But the BMP never fought a nuclear war. Instead it fought conventional wars in the...

Iran’s Nuclear Future: US Policy Choices

Dissuading Iran from developing nuclear weapons faces major obstacles, but it's too soon to give up trying as it may still be possible to influence the outcome of Iran's internal political debate, according to a RAND Corporation study issued today. The study, "Iran's Nuclear Future: Critical U.S. Policy Choices," describes the complex considerations underlying future U.S. policy options in responding to Iran's evolving nuclear program. It also assesses the potential effectiveness of each policy option and concludes that difficult policy trade-offs...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Arms Sales 2011: Russia, Middle East & Africa

By the important factors in the development of military-political situation in the world, most important recently, are the situations erupted from the beginning of 2011 via the tumultuous events in several Arab countries, primarily located in North Africa. As it erupted excitement strife will affect the volume of arms sales, including exports of articles of Russian military-industrial complex, "MIC" asked to tell one of the leading national expert on the subject, DC's weekly magazine....

Pakistan's Black Pearl-Gwardar

By URMILA VENUGOPALAN State visits between friendly countries seldom produce surprises or unscripted moments, but the recent trip to China by top Pakistani officials managed to do just that. Upon returning to Islamabad, the defense minister, Ahmed Mukhtar, made two eyebrow-raising announcements: first, that Beijing had agreed to take over operation...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Central Air Force Museum in Monino, Russia-Image Gallery

In all, 187 aircraft are displayed at the Central Air Force Museum in Monino. Image shots include helicopters, reconnaissance & fighter planes. To get a comprehensive look into the aviation evolution of Soviets refer to this post: Fifty Years of Soviet Aircraft Construction by Alexander Yakovlev...

Cyberterrorism Is The Time

Authorities and intelligence agencies a number of post-Soviet states are seriously concerned about the influence of the Internet on politics. It is understandable, because in the North African countries in 2011, thanks to electronic technology achieved high degree of organization of protest actions, already dubbed Twitter Revolution (Revolutions using social networking twitter). With regard to the heads of national anti-terrorism, they are reacting to cyber extremism recognize: the methods of confrontation with the new threat they are just beginning...

KBP-Designed Modernized Fighting Compartment Of The BMP-2

At present, the development level of armoured vehicles signifies to a large extent the military potential of the country's land forces. Infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) are the most widely-used type of the land forces' hardware. Constant upgrade of the combat vehicles fleet is performed by means of developing novel combat assets and modernization...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Beijing's Blue-Water Navy-Image Gallery

Is China building an empire on the sea?From Somalia to the Persian Gulf to the Strait of Malacca, Beijing is increasingly seeking to project naval power, a sharp break from its traditional, narrower strategy of patrolling the Chinese coast. Military leaders in China maintain that the Chinese navy is purely a self-defense force, but this definition has now expanded to encompass broad maritime and economic interests. "With our naval strategy changing now, we are going from coastal defense to far sea defense," Rear Adm. Zhang Huachen, deputy commander...

Friday, June 17, 2011

On the "Angara", "Rus", and "Bulava"…

Last week, the Russian Space Agency head Anatoly Perminov, briefed members of the Federation Council on the status and prospects of development of the domestic space industry. MIC publishes excerpts of the speech. ...

RAF Eurofighter Typhoons 'beaten by Pakistani F-16s'

By Lewis PagePakistani pilots flying modernised versions of the 1970s-vintage F-16 Falcon fighter have beaten the RAF's brand-new Eurofighter Typhoon superfighters during air combat exercises in Turkey, according to a Pakistani officer. Costs like a Raptor, flies like a Tornado...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

U.S. Navy Is Preparing To Beat Off The Russian Missiles

U.S. Army specialists are not convinced that the American ships will be able to repel the attack of Russian missile family Klub . To test the ship's defense systems USN ordered additional 7 supersonic targets, such as GQM-163A Coyote SSST, each of which is worth 3.9 million dollars....

The First Missiles South Asian Giant

by Vladimir Shcherbakov Continue the story of the defense capabilities of India which has made ​​impressive progress in building its own nuclear missile shield, designed to ensure reliable security for the country. Indian military and political leadership at the time put in front of national research and design organizations the task to focus on the development of antitank guided missiles and air defense. But soon in New Delhi came to the conclusion that the provision of guaranteed superiority over potential enemy is impossible without tactical...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tank Overhaul: The Hellcat

We go to the Tank Workshop in Tooele, Utah where a crew of dedicated restorers race to finish a very special project. Their boss, Karl Smith, has gathered the largest private collection of World War II vehicles in the United States, and he’s throwing a VE-Day party with a big surprise....

Awaiting Disturbance-Afghanistan, Pakistan & Israel

by Yevgeny Satanovsky U.S. Middle East political and military doctrine is not casually considers Afghanistan and Pakistan as a whole - AfPak. Closely related historically, these countries represent a source of instability of world importance. The crusade against international terrorism has failed in Afghanistan. Today the situation in the region (compared...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ship-Board Phase Array RADARs

Plain & a simple document discussing the role & evolution of Phase Array Radars. Writer elaborates with infographics couple with basic physics to let the reader know of the working principle of PESA RADARs. Various US, European & Russian examples also are discussed....

Dambusters: Building the Bouncing Bomb

What better way to round off a Bank Holiday weekend than some stirring military history mixed with pop-science? That’s the payload delivered by this two-hour special, which sees a team of infectiously enthusiastic scientists try to recreate the iconic Dambusters bombing raid. ...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Compare T-90 with "Leopard" and "Abrams"

The modernization of T-72 tanks, spare parts, as well as the possibility of buying new weapons to discuss with the military departments of Belarus and India, leaders of the delegation of the Rosoboronexport State Corporation in the international exhibition of armaments MILEX-2011 in Minsk....

Indian Cinema About Combat Aircraft-MMRCA

by  Konstantin Bogdanov India has once again postponed The tender MMRCA (Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft) to supply air force of 126 fighters. Meanwhile, its main participants, hoping to win time and time again to trot out a variety of means, either by taking impressive steps, or walking on candid tricks.But Delhi, experiencing powerful political pressure, it seems, no longer greatly he does not understand how to now disentangle the welded porridge....

Monday, June 6, 2011

Israeli Air Force Had “Flawed Strategy” During Lebanon War

Israel's disappointing performance in its war against Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006 did not reflect a "failure of air power," but rather a failure of Israel's political and military leaders to properly assess the enemy, set achievable goals, apply an effective strategy and adequately manage public expectations, according to a RAND Corporation study issued today....

Take Pakistan's Nukes, Please

BY KAPIL KOMIREDDI For more than six decades, Pakistan has been at war with itself, torn between competing ideas of what it means to be Pakistani. In Pakistan's volatile trundle through history, the events that have unfolded so far this year -- the assassination of Governor Salman Taseer for expressing moderate views, the instant deification of...

Nuclear Scientist Says Bomb Saved Pakistan

The father of Pakistan's nuclear bomb has vigorously defended the program as sparing his country the fate of Iraq or Libya, amid signs that Islamabad is ramping up its weapons capacities. Writing in Newsweek magazine, Abdul Qadeer Khan said that Pakistan's nuclear weapons had prevented war with historic rival India, which he accused of pursuing a "massive...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

U.S. Military Will Spray The Enemies By "Smart Dust"

U.S. Air Force want to get a tiny unmanned vehicles that can sneak up on an opponent and mark it with a special powder or slime.This will allow U.S. troops to discreetly monitor certain people and technology and, if necessary, to immediately destroy them with precision weapons. The U.S. military issued a request for the development of miniature unmanned...

U.S. Ahead Of Russia In The Number Of Strategic Intercontinental Missiles

The U.S. has 30 percent more strategic intercontinental missiles and nuclear warheads than Russia. These data, reported Agence France-Presse, contained in a report released on Wednesday, June 1, U.S. Department of State....

World Wars Camouflage Technique Could Have Benefits in Modern Warfare

Painting army vehicles with high contrast geometric patterns -- 'dazzle camouflage' -- affects the perception of their speed and thus could make them less susceptible to rocket propelled grenade attacks, according to new research from the University of Bristol. Examples of dazzle camouflage used in the First and Second World Wars. From top left:...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Emperor Obama vs the Arab people

Despite calling for change in some parts of the Middle East, the US president reaffirmed the status quo where it counts. In 1960, British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan delivered an important speech titled Wind of Change, first in Accra and later in Cape Town, signaling British decolonisation of its African territories and warning the South African...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dassault's Rafale - The Best And Most Complete Aircraft

By Peter Collins Most advanced Allied air forces now have operational fleets of fourth-generation fighters (defined by attributes such as being fly-by-wire, highly unstable, highly agile, net-centric, multi-weapon and multi-role assets)....

Pakistan's Spymaster Hamid Gul: Angel Of Jihad Or Windbag Provocateur?

Osama bin Laden's death presents retired general with new opportunities for intrigueDeclan Walsh in Rawalpindi guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 31 May 2011Hamid Gul, 74, retired chief of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence directorate and now a prominent pro-Taliban media commentator, at his office in Rawalpindi. Of the many dramas to grip Pakistan since the death of Osama bin Laden on 2 May, a cameo appearance by the country's most notorious spymaster had to be among the most intriguing....

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