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Russia's Biggest Question: Floating Airfields

Russia, perhaps will get a few carriers. In any case, the representatives of the United Shipbuilding Corporation have repeatedly asserted that the design of a new heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser must begin.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Russian Unmanned Aviation Future-Part I

53 million dollars, another 100 million, and ultimately 300 million - the price for Ministry of Defence contracts for the purchase of Israeli drones has caused confusion & even humiliation. Person named Nicholas Dolzhenkov should get rid of them. One of the best modern Russian aircraft designer, he is now leading the development of UAVs, for Russian Army. Once he made his country, leader in the unmanned aircraft technology. It was back in 80s, and the country was called the Soviet Union. Nicholas Dolzhenkov will explain why we have fallen from...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Chinese Prototype For Electromagnetic Catapults For Aircraft Carriers

The designer of the system - Ma Weiming (马伟明),  graduated from Naval Engineering Institute in 1982; in 1996 received his doctorate at the University of Tsinghua. Known primarily as a specialist in electric power systems, and submarines. He is currently a professor at the Naval Engineering University of PLA....

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

10 Years of Designing & Manufacturing Precision Guided Weapons

Created in January 2002, the "Tactical Missiles Corporation" in a short time brought together 18 leading Russian defense industrial complex enterprises. The strategic goal of an integrated structure was not only to develop Russian missile educational institution, but also to establish a strong, steadily growing company that can compete successfully in the global arms markets....

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Syria, Russia & the China: A Game of Oil & Ammo

Syria marked the first anniversary of its uprising -- and almost immediate crackdown -- last week. As the army expands its use of tanks and artillery against towns loyal to the rebellion, as many as 8,000 have been killed, and nearly a quarter-million have fled their homes. The United Nations remains incapable of agreeing to place water-tight sanctions on the country, however, thanks to opposition from Russia (still supplying arms to the regime) and China (still taking its oil)....

Friday, April 6, 2012

Year 2011: Crises, Revolutions, Threats, Leaders and Outsiders

What are the events that occurred in the past year? Will those crucially affect the situation on the planet?...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Islamic or Secular Armed Forces

Recently, the world's leading media has expressed serious concern at the increasingly growing flow of migrants from Muslim countries to the Western states, primarily European. And believers in Islam (Muslims), stand apart from the local non-Muslim population....

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