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Russia's Biggest Question: Floating Airfields

Russia, perhaps will get a few carriers. In any case, the representatives of the United Shipbuilding Corporation have repeatedly asserted that the design of a new heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser must begin.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Coming of the ‘Sixth Generation’

Fifth generation fighters, such as the F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning, have provided the US with a certain element of aerial superiority Even though Russia's PAK FA remains in testing and engine related concerns continue to plague the development of China's Chengdu J-20 aircraft, external observers still consider the F-35 to be the technically better aircraft despite fifth generation fighters still sitting in the wrapper and without resting on its laurels, the US Air Force and Navy are already looking forward to the future. The F-22 Raptor and...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

BUK M1 Air Defense System – Gallery

The Russian BUK-M1 (NATO code name SA-11 GADFLY ) surface-to-air medium-range missile system is designed to engage aerial targets, including aircraft, cruise missiles, helicopters as well as short range ballistic missiles (Lance missiles can be intercepted at a range of 20 km and altitude of 16 km)....

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How to win in Afghanistan: A lesson in nation building

by  Louis DeAnda The dilemma Afghanistan.  It’s the longest continuous conflict in United States history and unfortunately may be a harbinger of conflicts to come in the next decade. What the U.S. takes away from this conflict in terms of lessons learned will shape our preparation for the next conflict not just militarily, but politically as well....

Monday, October 15, 2012

Will Americans stay in Afghanistan?

Where time is against America by Ioncube Khanz (Readers are encouraged to give opinions via comments) During the recent rapid voyage to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, United States President Barack Obama signed with his local counterpart, Hamid Karzai, a strategic partnership agreement that will govern the relationship between Washington and Kabul after the withdrawal of U.S. and NATO troops from Afghanistan in 2014....

Friday, September 14, 2012

Katyn: a guilt of many, not just Stalin

The publication on Internet sites of the American National Archives of the documents on Katyn killings, with archive materials from the State Department, CIA and FBI carefully collected and put together, led to a long forgotten debate in Poland. If the American and the British leaders knew the truth about the summary execution of the Polish officers by Stalin’s secret police in 1940, why didn’t they reveal the truth as soon as they could? Why did they have to wait until the cold war reaches its zenith in the early 1950s to make their accusations...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What the Western media doesn't say about green on blue attacks in Afghanistan

by Louis DeAnda The essence of betrayal For the enemy in Afghanistan, nothing succeeds like success. The last year Afghanistan has seen an increase in the frequency of attacks upon U.S. and International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) personnel by Afghans who were soldiers, recruits undergoing training, acting as embedded advisors, or otherwise occupying low-level security positions at bases or outposts jointly occupied....

Monday, August 27, 2012

Syrian chemical weapons: truth and fiction

The last argument against the invasion of Syria by foreign troops by Ioncube Khanz (Readers are encouraged to add/edit/replace any references, opinions can be given via comments) The situation in Syria continues to be extremely challenging, fighting between government troops and the rebels did not subside. It's time once again to recall the statement of the representative of the Syrian Foreign Ministry Jihad Maqdisi, "No chemical or non-conventional weapons would not be used against our citizens. These weapons will be used only in the event...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Russian Air force to take part in USAF training exercises

One such program is the regular aerial combat training exercise of the US Air Force and its allies, called “Red Flag”. The next exercise is scheduled for October 2012. US Military command came up with the idea of conducting Red Flag exercises during the Vietnam War, when the USAF and naval aviation primarily used heavy multi-functional bombers such as the F-4 Phantom-II and F-105 Thunderchief. These bombers demonstrated their inability to engage in close combat with Vietnam’s light MIG aircraft. The reason for such failings was the strong reliance...

The fall of the Assad's regime only a matter of time

Marwan Muasher  Interviewed by Natalia Bubnov The situation in Syria and around is rapidly intensifying. Events there are the topic of conversation with Marwan Muasher, vice-president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in charge of the study of the Middle East at the Washington headquarters of the Foundation and the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut. He also was the first ambassador of his country to Israel, the head of the Ministry of Information, the spokesperson of the Government of Jordan, the director of Jordan...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Behemoth trained for Urban Scenario

Exhibited at Interpolitech 2011 exhibition Dmitry Sorokin tells the latest developments engineered for urban security needs. This automotive is based upon the famous Ural 4320 chassis. It is designed to maintain public order during mobs or massive public gatherings. Click on the images to enlarge!...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Prospects for situation in Syria and around

The destruction of the Syrian air defense on June 22 by Turkish "Phantom" in the area of ​​Latakia exacerbated an already very tense relations between Syria and Turkey, but contrary to the predictions of some experts who reject the probability of any large-scale armed confrontation I say why not? Reference are put in a hast. Readers sorry from my side!...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Bear in a China Shop

It's not the booming economy that's about to burst -- it's bigger than that. Social discontent and, yes, income inequality could rip China apart at the seams. BY ARTHUR KROEBER Time and again, China has defied the skeptics who claimed its unique mixed model -- an ever-more market-driven economy dominated by an authoritarian Communist Party and behemoth...

Monday, July 2, 2012


Accurate identification of targets, even in the most remote locations, is critical to military operations. Dr Gareth Evans investigates how biometrics-based identification technology has developed from a clunky add-on into an integral part of mission equipment and perhaps the precursor to an entirely new form of enemy surveillance  Little more than five years ago, biometric technology still largely represented a new and somewhat unconventional item in the military toolkit - an “add-on to the mission”, in the words of Myra S Gray, director...

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Our favourite author Carlo Kopp discusses the advancements in the LGB (Laser Guided Bomb) sector from conventional aerodynamically stabilized ‘orthodox laser’ to gimbaled ‘hybrid’ seeker...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A World Without Islam

What if Islam had never existed? To some, it's a comforting thought: No clash of civilizations, no holy wars, no terrorists. Would Christianity have taken over the world? Would the Middle East be a peaceful beacon of democracy? Would 9/11 have happened? In fact, remove Islam from the path of history, and the world ends up exactly where it is today. BY GRAHAM E. FULLER...

Friday, June 15, 2012

Who has the fastest warplane?

Russia successfully tested a second prototype of its revolutionary new "fifth-generation" fighter plane Thursday, a futuristic, ultrafast, and stealthy warbird that may be in the possession of the Russian Air Force by 2013....

Leopards without claws - Part II

Read the first part here Previously we discussed submarine scandal, now we will shed light on the tank ammunition scandal. Again readers are requested to visit the links mentioned below, as my statistics are derived from these sources....

Friday, June 8, 2012


The development of Greek weapons programs during the past two decades has significantly contributed (either directly or indirectly) to the fact that presently the country is in a difficult economic situation. Greece proved to be incapable not only to resist the growing poverty, but also to manage its military prowess (in comparison with the sums, which they spent between 1990's and 2000) all by the increasing military tension, caused by the actions of Turkey both in the Aegean sea, and in the eastern Mediterranean....

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Putin & the Russian Army

Candidate Vladimir Putin’s election manifesto on the military and national security appeared in Rossiyskaya gazeta.  The rambling 6,500-word essay reads like most campaign literature — a series of feel-good sound bites with inconvenient facts, details, and background left out....

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Continued from previous part: Author describes how copying foreign technology sets the basis of improving domestic goods. He described copying much difficult and technically demanding process. Also he describes the contemporary developments in unmanned technology in Russian aviation schools....

Friday, May 11, 2012

Missile launch shows India on course for nuclear superiority?

Last month India successfully launched a long-range intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) with a range of 5,000km (3,100 miles). This is significant for at least two pressing reasons: the Agni-V missile is capable of carrying nuclear warheads, and its long range brings it within striking distance of China....

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Russian Unmanned Aviation Future-Part I

53 million dollars, another 100 million, and ultimately 300 million - the price for Ministry of Defence contracts for the purchase of Israeli drones has caused confusion & even humiliation. Person named Nicholas Dolzhenkov should get rid of them. One of the best modern Russian aircraft designer, he is now leading the development of UAVs, for Russian Army. Once he made his country, leader in the unmanned aircraft technology. It was back in 80s, and the country was called the Soviet Union. Nicholas Dolzhenkov will explain why we have fallen from...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Chinese Prototype For Electromagnetic Catapults For Aircraft Carriers

The designer of the system - Ma Weiming (马伟明),  graduated from Naval Engineering Institute in 1982; in 1996 received his doctorate at the University of Tsinghua. Known primarily as a specialist in electric power systems, and submarines. He is currently a professor at the Naval Engineering University of PLA....

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

10 Years of Designing & Manufacturing Precision Guided Weapons

Created in January 2002, the "Tactical Missiles Corporation" in a short time brought together 18 leading Russian defense industrial complex enterprises. The strategic goal of an integrated structure was not only to develop Russian missile educational institution, but also to establish a strong, steadily growing company that can compete successfully in the global arms markets....

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Syria, Russia & the China: A Game of Oil & Ammo

Syria marked the first anniversary of its uprising -- and almost immediate crackdown -- last week. As the army expands its use of tanks and artillery against towns loyal to the rebellion, as many as 8,000 have been killed, and nearly a quarter-million have fled their homes. The United Nations remains incapable of agreeing to place water-tight sanctions on the country, however, thanks to opposition from Russia (still supplying arms to the regime) and China (still taking its oil)....

Friday, April 6, 2012

Year 2011: Crises, Revolutions, Threats, Leaders and Outsiders

What are the events that occurred in the past year? Will those crucially affect the situation on the planet?...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Islamic or Secular Armed Forces

Recently, the world's leading media has expressed serious concern at the increasingly growing flow of migrants from Muslim countries to the Western states, primarily European. And believers in Islam (Muslims), stand apart from the local non-Muslim population....

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Japan ready to shoot down North Korea Rocket; AFP on alert

The Philippine military on Friday said it had “intensified” its monitoring of North Korea’s plan to launch a long-range rocket next month, as Japan readied its missile defense systems to shoot down the rocket if it threatens Japanese territory. MISSILE THREAT (Far left) Two Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force’s Aegis guided-missile destroyers, Kongo...

Algeria Alarmed at Israeli Systems in its Sukhoi Su-30MKAs

Algeria is demanding an explanation from Russia for the high-level of Israeli avionics in its 1st aircraft, delivered in 2007. The AAF is alarmed that the main mission computer, the nerve centre of the Su-30MKA has been heavily influenced by Israeli technologies & interfaces into an Israel aerospace industries Elta EL/M-8222 EW system & Elbit Systems SU967 HUD....

Americans Gave Useless Info To Russia Regarding components of Missile Defence

The data on the planned US antimissile system in Europe handed over to Russia is “useless and irrelevant” according to reports. After the failure to strike a deal with Washington, Moscow plans to expose details of the row to the general public....

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Can Pakistan Biggest Sports Star Save the Country

In 1992, with his cricket career at its twilight, an aging Imran Khan boldly pledged that the Pakistani national team would win the World Cup for the first time. In March of that year, before a packed stadium in Melbourne, Pakistan defeated former colonial master England, taking the cup and shocking the world of cricket. Khan returned home with a trophy...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Power Jostling in Pakistan

The power jostling between the government and military forces in Pakistan is putting pressure on an already delicate political situation. On the Voice of Russia, Carnegie Moscow Center’s Dmitri Trenin and Shuja Nawaz, director of the South Asia Center at The Atlantic Council in Washington, DC, shared their opinions on the current situation in Pakistan....

China, Russia and the US - a shifting geopolitical balance

Russia and China has been aligning ever more closely on a number of international issues, from Syria to Iran to North Korea. Some observers call this a "marriage of convenience". Others refer to it as "an awkward partnership", and some go as far as to suggest China's hegemony over Russia. What is true is that this is an intriguing relationship, which is evolving in a direction where the two countries have never been before. While any return to a Moscow-Beijing axis of the 1950s or the intense Sino-Soviet enmity of the 1960s may not be on the cards,...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

From the Atlantic to Afghanistan - pending and future wars

Speculating on the outcome of the past and prospects for the coming year in the Middle East, 'Arab spring' can be taken as the triumph of democracy, which, according to most Western experts, should lead the region in a state close to the European standards. Judgments of this kind are not based on an objective assessment of the situation, but rather on faith and like any faith this doesn't need any proof....

Friday, March 23, 2012

Premium Coverage: Mi-28N Night Hunter

Night Hunter can be used at any time, in any weather and is willing to work in a network-centric warfare...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

US isn’t Ready to Offer Russia its Missile Secrets

US does not intend to share their classified technologies defeat enemy missiles due to the kinetic energy released on impact with Russia, said Tuesday Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for US nuclear policy and defense matters Bradley Roberts....

Friday, March 16, 2012

US Never Learns From Past

Interview with Dmitry Babich, a political commentator with the Voice of Russia....

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Muslim Identity Crisis & Jihad Industry

Last week’s witchhunt in a Karachi park, that led to the sacking of a TV anchor, depicts our crisis of identity more aptly than any other incident in the recent past. In a way, it is linked to other events as well — suicide-bombings, attacks on religious minorities and even the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on New York’s twin towers....

No Pakistani Flags at the Fall of Berlin Wall

Well, the latest news is that a lone U.S. serviceman has gone on a shooting rampage outside Kandahar and killed at least 16 people. The Los Angeles Times reports: The shooting early Sunday took place in Panjwayi district outside Kandahar city, in a village called Alkozai. U.S. military officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said it was believed that the assailant had suffered a mental breakdo...

Monday, March 12, 2012

A Military Strike on Iran is Inevitable

Recently Iranian President had made a bitter statement regarding West sanctions:“They say all options are on the table. Let your options stay on the table until they and you rot together,” he said.The following analysts will give their independent insights on what is happening in Iran in relation to West… Vladimir Dvorkin , Dmitry Ryurikov , Peter Stegny ,Andrew Cherkase...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Israel-Iran War Scenario & Possibilities

Any Israeli attempt to destroy Iran's nuclear programme poses huge technical challenges for Israeli military planners. BBC Defence Correspondent Jonathan Marcus looks at some of the options open to Israel and asks whether it has the capacity to carry out such a mission....

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Islamabad-Beijing: unabated brotherly ties

China pushes America ultimatums, defiantly defending its ally in the rivalry with India, and is also preparing to build up its military and provided technical assistance. From the military-political situation in South Asia in recent days, suddenly smelled of the characteristic chill of the classical ultimata of the Great Powers of the model of the 19th Century....

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Russian & China: partnership or donation? Part II

Continued from Part I Resumed in the 90s military-technical cooperation (MTC) between Moscow and Beijing quickly ceased to be simply "arms trade", after becoming a certain strategic tool. With its aid Russia ensured the realization of the concept of multipolar peace. Today it is clear that further rapprochement with the Celestial Empire would only return to a bipolar situation on the planet, but our country is not prepared for the role of one of the poles....

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Euro-Atlantic Missile Defence Program

This paper, the intense work of an expert group drawn from the Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative’s membership and a wider circle of former senior policymakers and defense specialists, shows the way. It provides a basic concept for a cooperative NATO-Russian missile defense system, describes the principles that should underlie it, and lays out an...

Russian & China: partnership or donation? Part I

Military-technical cooperation of Russia and China, even 10 years ago, yielded major bulk of Russian arms exports, today this boosts to even larger supplies. Nevertheless, this partnership has given China a great technical breakthrough. What are the real results and future prospects of cooperation between Russia and China?...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Self-Guided Bullet Prototype Can Hit Target a Mile Away

ScienceDaily (Jan. 30, 2012) — Take two Sandia National Laboratories engineers who are hunters, get them talking about the sport and it shouldn't be surprising when the conversation leads to a patented design for a self-guided bullet that could help war fighters.  ...

Soviet T-34 medium tank vs American M4A2 Sherman


Thursday, February 9, 2012

No Longer Intelligence Officers, But The Killers

In recent years there has been a steady rise in robotics, so to speak, depersonalization of war. The use of various weapons are increasingly vested in the remote-controlled combat systems - air, land and sea. And while today's decision on the use of weapons still predominantly requires  a man, but days are not far, when the command "Fire!" will be given by a computer!...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Chinese “Badger” with the Soviet Genealogical

Air China adopted a new heavy bomber H-6K. This news may seem sensational and Russians enthusiastically followed the development of modern military aviation. After all, they know very well the origin of the aircraft. H-6K is the latest in the series today, a modification of H-6 bomber - a licensed copy of our famous former Tu-16, created by Tupolev Design Bureau in the late 40s - early 50s....

Destroy The Ammunition But Intelligently!!

In the warehouses of industrial enterprises, and military bases, arsenals of the Russian Ministry of Defense (more than 150 objects) accumulated tens of millions of tons of ammunition. Many of them are written off, end of life cycle. Keeping these colossal reserves imposes a significant additional burden on the state budget. Federal special-purpose program "Industrial utilization of weapons and military hardware in 2011-2015 and in 2020" will be approved by the Russian government until the end of November, and until 2012 the Defense Ministry had...

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Was born in 1929 in Moscow. He has graduated from Bauman MVTU and internal postgraduate study of MVTU. Since 1954 he works in the GosNIIAS in which he took posts from engineer and senior staff scientist, up to the Chief of the Institute (1970). Since 2001 E. A. Fedosov – is the General Director of FGUP “GosNIIAS”. E. A. Fedosov is a leading scientist...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ukraine’s Unknown Missile Adventures

The mystery of the missing nuclear warheads from Ukraine still has not been disclosed, but the fact of loss is recognized Everyone knows that in 90 years, Ukraine has voluntarily given up all nuclear weapons and strategic missiles and strategic weapons of military aircraft. Kiev widely advertised these steps as the proof of the commitment of the young state of peace and disarmament. Less well known is that this failure was not entirely voluntary, and there was a fairly strong pressure of both the West and Russia. And it is very little known, about...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Flanker vs Eagle-Story of Aleksandr Kharchevskiy

There has been talk of mock combat between Su-27's and F-15's when a Su-27 and a Su-27UB made a goodwill visit to Langley AFB in the USA. Depending on whose story you believe - the Russian's wiped the floor with the Americans (according to the Rusians) - or there was no mock combat - the Russians cheated and turned what was some formation flying into air combat and caught the F-15's off guard (according to the Americans). I make no conclusions - I am just reporting what has been claimed...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Iran: Evil Intent or Bravely Defiant?

BY CAROLINE JAINE Today, I look at people’s perceptions of Iran. In recent days Iran has escalated tensions with the US – after capturing a dreaded drone, it is now demanding an end to spy-planes. Iran was never tackled in the same way as Iraq was, but with a 17-year long US trade embargo on Iran and no real diplomatic relations for 30 years – the two countries are clearly not friends. Earlier this year, US Secretary of State Clinton labeled Iran as “awful” in a speech about internet freedoms. My own country, Great Britain, has broken diplomat...

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