Thursday, March 3, 2011
BBC How to Build A Jumbo Jet Engine

No mention of Russian designed engines; probably because the company besides British Rolls Royce that manufacture Civilian Jet engines is American General Electric.
Enter the world of Rolls Royce & witness how mega machines yet precisiely engineered is constructed. Yes the Jet engine; the backbone of any flying vehicles. Talk to the technical experts how they manufacture blades that can withstand more than 90tons of pressure each. Starting from a block of titanium alloy how they are transformed into a precisely shaped & angled structures that swallow tons of air per second!!
The company sacrifices whole of a jet engine worth millions of dollar to simulate safety features & how the company personnel 24/7 monitors data sent via satellite from thousands of engines operating all over the world!!
As Boeing\'s new 787 Dreamliner makes its inaugural flight, Rolls-Royce engineers celebrate the performance of its revolutionary Trent 1000 jet engines. They\'re the latest in a family of sophisticated aero engines that have driven Rolls-Royce to become world leaders in the market for jumbo jet engines. This is the story of the thousands of people who design, build and test engines at Rolls-Royce\'s manufacturing plants in Derby and across the UK, making Rolls-Royce a central part of life for the people who work there. Exploring some of the astonishing technology behind the engines advanced components, the programme meets the skilled engineers who design and build them, and experience the ups and downs of life on the assembly line.
[2 parts] streaming